The History of the Pipeline
In football, it all starts up front. You have heard it over and over again if you follow the sport or played the game. The historic nicknames say it all - The Hogs, The Electric Company, and The Big Red Line, or individuals like Jumbo and Porkchop – real football people know them all.
In the state of Nebraska, ‘The Pipeline’ means something. A reverent name born in excellence within a decade of dominance. Now a standard that must be upheld. The battle is started and finished by the men on the Offensive Line. They stand on the shoulders of those who came before them. They work to live up to the standard set.
Pipeline Jerky was created to carry forward the legacy of the ‘The Pipeline’.
Now you can assist with carrying on the tradition. Every purchase of Pipeline Jerky goes toward supporting the current O-Line. Your support of this product will also ensure that future members know what state supports their O-Line more than any other.
Hog for the Hogs
Beef for the Beef
In Nebraska, we know what it means to be an Offensive Lineman. We support them with this product made from quality Nebraska livestock, raised by Nebraska farmers, produced and packaged by Nebraska hands.
Pipeline Bundle